Custom Log Home Design in Alberta by Kerkhof Enterprises
Get the home of your dreams with a rustic and chic custom log home. Whether you’re planning on moving or are purchasing a vacation home, call Kerkhof Enterprises. We are a True North Log Homes authorized dealer, offering you their quality slow growth Northeastern white pine constructions.
Using True North’s original designs, you are able to create your own modifications to get the house you’ve always dreamed of. With our expertise we can advise to you help your dream become a reality.
Stable Log Homes
For extra stability and a more appealing construction, True North uses a spring loaded Log Lock Compression System to join logs at the corners of your log home. Great pressure is put upon the log wall system and when the pressure is set it doesn’t ever need to be adjusted. Unlike log homes that use spikes to connect the walls, there will be no separation of logs, no air leakage and no need for you to tighten thru-bolts.
When you call Kerkhof Enterprises, know that the entire construction process is done in-house. This means that each step, from design to site preparation to final construction, is done by us. This will prevent communication errors and schedule delays.